
Launch Of Vefa Pharmaceuticals D-Colerol (D-Colefor) In Baku, Azerbaijan

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Launch Of Vefa Pharmaceuticals D-Colerol (D-Colefor) In Baku, Azerbaijan


We have launched Vefa Pharmaceuticals/d-Colerol (d-Colefor) in Baku, Azerbaijan, as one of the companies that is growing rapidly with its successes in the field of pharmaceutical / food supplement production and R & D in Turkey. Our Product Manager Sibel Guluzade shared the presentation of D-Colerol (d-Colefor), our innovative, quality and reliable product portfolio, and informed us about Vefa Pharmaceuticals’vision at our launch, which took place with the participation of nearly 400 physicians. The launch started with the opening of Vefa Ilaç Azerbaijan sales and Marketing Manager Niyameddin Guliyev, head of Endocrinology Department of Marmara University Prof.Dr. Dilek Yavuz explained the unknown side of vitamin D.

  • Wizard-Team